Posted in Music stories, Organ

Good Friday and the organ

Today is Good Friday. For many, this day takes of different meanings. For me, it’s a milestone on my musical journey. You see, on Good Friday of 1993, I played the organ for the first worship in my life. The reason that was the first service was that I only had to play the hymns for the service. No sung liturgy, no prelude or postlude.


Over the past 29 years, the doors opened up to me and the opportunities that came my way through playing the organ have been absolutely amazing. From a college scholarship for organ, to playing on some amazing (and not so amazing) instruments, along ith teaching a few organ lessons, it’s difficult to put into words.


As with any endeavor, though, it’s not only because of one person and their work. I had my parents, specifically my father, encouraging me along the way. They both saw an ability in me, and my dad, by playing records of organ music, surrounded me with a world of musical beauty that I am absolutely grateful for. And I had fantastic instructors. Jonathan Kohrs, Cheri Hron and Charles Ore.


Over the past year, I have intentionally stepped back from my organ playing, not because I’m tired of it, but because I am putting my family as more of a priority. I love the opportunities I still have to play. The organ is a beautiful and challenging instrument. Whenever I explain to people that I get to play keyboards with both hands and a keyboard with my feet, they’re in awe. The organ is an instrument that recently seems to be less encouraged to learn, part of that being from a rise in “contemporary” worship, as well as difficulty in accessing an instrument to practice on. I am thankful that I lived next door to a church (one of the perks of being a pastor’s kid) and could practice whenever I want. Not many people have that luxury.


Being an organist is one of component of who I am and my musical journey. Tomorrow, I’ll write a little bit about the vocal part of my musical journey and Sunday, I’ll write a little bit about the trumpet part of my musical journey. All of them have shaped the person and the musician I am today.

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